Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Basic Understanding of Sharia Law

Shariah law is the command of Allah (God) that relate to mukallaf in the form of guidance for selecting and do or leave such actions.

Type of sharia law
1. Legal taklifiy
Taklifiy law is something that calls for guidance to choose to do or leave the deed. Guidance / options include:
- Fardhu (Mandatory): absolute
- Sunnah: charged but not absolute
- Haram: left, absolute form
- Makruh: left, but not absolute
- Permissible: choose work or leave

2. Legal wad'i
Is the command of God that relate to something related to law taklifiy. In other words, as a regulator of the process of implementation of the law taklifiy. Things that become part of the law wad'i are:
- Because: Something behind peruatan / harbingers.
- Requirements: Being outside, but being decisive part, which must be met. Something would be invalid without the requirement, but the terms are not part of the act.
- Pillars: The act invalid if the pillar there and met. Pillars and it was part of the act.

One activity called Shalat (prayer). Terms legitimate Shalat is wudlu (not part of the act of prayer). Pillars of prayer one is takbiratur ikhram (part of the movement in the act of prayer).

In wad'i law, the barrier is defined as something that is prevalent from his existing, and there is no law. While legitimate means that the act has meaning in law.

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